Corporate Social Responsibility

Throughout the history of our company, we have recognized the importance of social, economic, and environmental responsibility in all aspects of our operations. We place a high value on our integrity and reputation for fair and ethical business practices and employee treatment. We are committed to providing excellent service and products while adhering to the laws and regulations of every country in which we do business. In every aspect of our business, we strive to adhere to these values and principles.

TBS Group Adheres to the Following Principles

Respect for Human Rights and Fair Labor Practices

  • Employees are recruited, hired, and promoted on the basis of their merit and suitability for the job, without regard to race, color, age, national origin, religion, political affiliation, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, or disability.
  • Promoting equal treatment for all employees, without any form of discrimination or harassment, and opposing forced labor and child labor practices.
  • Providing working conditions that are in accordance with international standards and are mindful of human rights, health, safety, and fairness.
  • Increasing awareness of fundamental human rights and workers' rights.

Environmental Protection

  • Offering products that adhere to all applicable legal, health, safety, and environmental regulations.
  • Improving internal efficiencies to reduce any potential environmental impact.
  • Encouraging not only our employees, but also our business partners, suppliers, and customers to share our commitment to environmental protection.

Giving Beneficial Goods and Services to Society

  • Encouraging not only our employees, but also our business partners, suppliers, and customers to share our commitment to environmental protection.


  • Following national and international competition laws and regulations.
  • Never engage in anti-competitive conduct.

Confidential Information

  • Keeping proprietary, confidential, and personal information secure.